RE vs Endocrinologist

Cat • Little love born 11.26.19 after 2 years of TTC. First fresh round of IVF with ICSI successful ♥️

Is there a difference between a reproductive endocrinologist and just an endocrinologist? Or are Endocrinologists able to deal with male infertility?

Rant: My husband’s primary doc is great in the way that he sits and listens and cares... but his ability to give referrals is really pissing me off. His SA showed low count and 0% morphology. He gave him a referral to the the top RE and Infertility clinic at GW Medical, but they are only for females so they have him the number to the Urologist. However he needed a new referral for that so he called his primary and his primary said he needed an reproductive endocrinologist so he gave him a list of 3. They are all only endocrinologists and none of them say they specialize in male infertility. Will it be pointless for us to keep the one appt he has at an endocrinologist or should we fight with the doctor to keep giving us referrals until he gives us the right one? I’m so over not being able to have control over this!