Birth Story **Finally**


Baby boy is 11 weeks old and perfect 💙

So at 37 weeks and 5 days I went in for my check up. I’d had high blood pressure the last 2 week that I went in and again at this appointment.

So they decided to induce me to make sure not to risk anything.

I went in that night, got a balloon put in for 12 hours, dilated to a 2 after 12 hours.

Then the started my pitocin at 8am on June 20.

Labor started hard and stayed hard.

At 5 centimeters I was done and decided to get an epidural. He came in, put it in and left. IT DIDNT WORK

Only my big toe was numb.

So we took that one out and have it another go, and yet again...didn’t work. This time my butt cheek was numb.

I labored until I was 8.5cm.

I was positive I needed to push but the dr kept telling me no.

After about 20-30 min of begging to push, EJs heart rate was going down.

They opted for an emergency cesarian, but because I’d already had 2 failed epidurals, they had to put me fully to sleep and my husband couldn’t come back to the OR...

After 14 hours of natural labor, baby boy was born June 20 at 10:02pm weighing 8 pounds 4 oz and was 19 inches long 💙

I’m disappointed that we didn’t get to hear his first cry, and I’m sad that I was drugged the first time I held my baby, but I’m thankful that we’re all alive and well.