What happened?

I matched with a guy on a dating site and that same night he added me on Snapchat and we took the conversation there. Things were going well, we were getting to know each other, developing a friendship, we were attracted to each other.

We went from talking all day and night to him ignoring me for up to two weeks at time. I keep replaying everything in my head to see if i did anything wrong but I can't think of anything :(

He used the "I've been busy" excuse but his snap score goes up at least 300 points a day, so I know he's been talking to other people. A few days ago, he randomly messaged me to snap him and that he wanted to see me. So I sent him a selfie and he opened but never replied. Does that mean I'm ugly? When I was younger my parents would tell me that I am

Don't get me wrong, I know we weren't dating and that he doesn't owe me anything. I just want honesty and don't feel like that's too much to ask.

Have you ever ghosted someone? If so, why?