Hoping This Is My Month!

Sun.V • TTC #1 after a M/C in March 2015 at 6 weeks.
So after ovulation I had cramps for almost 2 weeks, and then about 2 days before I was due for my period (July 24), it stopped completely! I don't have that heavyness in my pelvic that I get every month indicating that AF is about to show up. I am 7 days overdue and I am scared to test just because I am not getting any symptoms at all. I have been TTC since March after a miscarriage with no luck. I am very regular, 30 days on the dot! I don't know if I'm just late or its because I started working out again last month or maybe I just ovulated late... I'm so scared!! What do you think? My last pregnancy I had very obvious symptoms but not this time...I feel nothing... what's going on?!