IVF with Follistim F & Menopur


Got the results of my blood test today, everything came back normal, so I got the go ahead to start this whole <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> process. (YAY) Just did my first ever injection this evening with Follistim F. (I was honestly scared it was going to hurt a lot, lol) But it wasn't too bad. I injected in my thigh, not my belly.

I was just wondering, for those who've also taken Follistim F and Menopur (which I'll be starting this weekend) - Did you guys have any intense side effects? I'm worried about not being able to function the more I'm on these meds. My Dr mentioned possible headaches but said I could only use extra strength Tylenol to relieve it. And that's about it. I know we're all different, so I'm sure I may not feel what others feel. But I'd totally appreciate your experience. Thanks in advance!