Help! Suspect I ate allergen do I have to dump my breast milk?


My LO has had green acidic poop since Tuesday and it is now Thursday. His little bum is raw and starting to bleed when wiped. I have tried all the creams none seemed to help. I decided to try to figure out the cause of his poops. I realized that I have had more coffee than usual and I typically have soy milk in my coffee since I’m lactose sensitive myself. I have 25 ounces pumped and I had some soy Wednesday afternoon.

My question is do I dump all the possibly contaminated milk?

I am not producing enough as it is and have had to supplement with formula so I could just feed him formula for a day or so for the soy to get out of my milk but what do I do with that milk in the meantime? Do I freeze it and try it when he’s a bit older? He’s only a month old. My pediatrician didn’t seem too concerned on Tuesday about his diaper rash but I can tell he’s in pain.

Any advice would be appreciated from their exhausted FTM.