Am I going crazy

Katelyn • Max 🐕 Sophia 👧🏻 Baby Boy 💙

Not sure what to think I have a 25 day cycle very regular usually 1 I get some spotting later in the after noon on the day my period is actually due. This cycle on 9 DPO when I wiped I had a small amount of watery pink blood on the toilet paper I did a HPT that was a BFN. Next day 10 DPO spotting still there but has turned to brown only on the paper after I wiped more consistently every time I went to the bathroom it was there. HPT was a BFN. Today is 11 DPO and the brown blood on the paper is still continuing maybe slightly more but not even enough to get on a panty liner literally only when I wipe. I feel like it’s dripping like AF has arrived but when I got to nothing more than the brown spotting. My period is not due until Saturday. My typical period is normally 5 days long heaviest days being day 3 but I haven’t had any red blood yet. Is this AF or am I going crazy?