Ttc baby #3


Hey everyone I'm new here🤗

I'll start by saying hey, my name is josy, I have two amazing little girls and I'm engaged to an amazing man of 3 years, we have been trying to have baby number 3(sadly first 2 are not his) this will be his first child. We have been trying on and off for a long time but here recent we started to really try, tracking, timing, he is even taken natrual supplements to help. So I have tracking my period since December and it's always right about spot on but last month I started 3 days early now this month I'm 3 days late(based on this app) I had a very very small spot today but when I put a tampon in to work out afterwards it had NOTHING on it and since then I have showered and cleaned house and still nothing. I took a test yesterday and it was NEGATIVE. Does anyone have any tips, pointers or positive feedback or advice? Thank you in advance.