Not feeling the “love”

My bf has been going through some things with his mom. They haven’t been getting along I’m going to just call it family issues. She’s been asking him for money & trying to run his pockets. She wants to kick him out so he’s looking for another place to stay whether it’s with his grandma rn or he gets a roommate . I understand this ofc im always there for him & I talk to him and I always tell him to be positive about it because he’s scared he’ll be homeless etc which I know won’t happen because although he can’t live w me rn, I still live w my parents too I’m in college if he needs anything besides that like money or love or just a shoulder to lean on I’m there. He also has a lot of family members. But I feel like I’m just turning into that shoulder to lean on. He doesn’t ask me for money or anything unless he reallyy needs it but ik he’s saving for I would buy him food or give him gas money or get him gifts or something just because I want to. I have no prob w it he does the same. He has a good paying job it’s just he has a lot to save for rn. Anyways he mostly comes to me when hes stressed or need someone to talk to. When we hang out or I’m at his house he doesn’t even hug on me or love on me like he used to, he doesn’t call me as much because he’d be with his cousins or friends. He just always has to say I’m busy I’m busy or I’m talking or just another excuse on why he can’t communicate w me at the moment & I would say ok I’m getting annoyed because he’d say sorry sorry I forgot to hyu or text back like 5 times and I’m just like yea w.e we’ll just talk tmm. & he’d literally be on snapchat playing with a dog or a game or some shit. I just feel like he doesn’t make time he used to. Ik he’s going through stuff and when I talk about it to him he just gets mad and says I’m adding on to his plate. So I can’t even say anything anymore. I told him I guess I have to just be good to u right & suck it up until ur situation gets better right. When I go to his house we sit in silence unless I say something first. He wouldn’t see me for weeks and he wouldn’t even hug or kiss me he’d just drive to his house. I just don’t feel no love anymore . At first he’d be so excited & he’d love to hug and kiss me and just talk and vibe and get to know more things abt each other & go out to eat. But now it’s like it’s all gone I told him at the end of the day he forgets he’s in a relationship, something two ways not just your way where I listen to ur problems and be there for you because it’s like he’s forgetting I have feelings too & it’s ok for me to feel a type of way. I just feel neglected and picked back up whenever he needs me. I understand he’s stressed but if he can make time for his cousins & laugh with them and be happy then why can’t he do it with me. He doesnt even laugh with me anymore everything just changes and he says he just needs me to be there for him but what about me. If I say anything I’m adding on to his plate so I just stfu and feel the way I feel. This relationship obviously comes last to him. I told him everything changes nothing stays the same and he said you’re always complaining You love adding shit to my plate just go to sleep. (It was last night) & he texts me goodmorning the same time before he goes to work and today he didn’t. I just don’t feel important anymore unless he wants me to give him a talk and make him feel better. We’ve been together for 8 months