Avriana was born


Late last night at about 10 25 pm they had me start pushing. I had came in yo be induced at 7 am yesterday morning. By the time I finally got to 9.5cm I was feeling everything on my left side and in my vagina... i told the nurse i feel like i need to push. She checked and had me do one practice push. After the doctor came in i pushed for about 20 minutes, feeling everything. And my daughter was born. At 40+5 weighing 7 lbs 15 ounces. 21.5 inches and darker hair than her brother ❤ I had one rip, going up not down? But we are both doing great and I'm so in love.

I blurred the pictures because the full size theres blood and you can kind of see the top of my vagina but I'm so glad my MIL captured this moment.