Another Go


Well, I decided to give it another go. In my last post, I was going to give myself a break if my third natural <a href="">IUI</a> didn't take but I changed my mind. Now, this time will be my fourth with some changes. The last three IUIs I was just checking for my ovulation with OPKs and doing the procedure when I get a positive surge. This time, I'm getting monitored by ultrasound and blood work and then a trigger shot when I get enough mature eggs. So far from the last ultrasound, I have 10 follicles in my right ovary and 7 in the left with my blood work at 28 LH. My next appointment is on a Sunday so I'll keep everyone updated then. My nurse coordinator said my ovulation usually hit between my 16-18 CD so I have next week to look forward to. I think that is it for now. I'll try to update as I go, which means Sunday will be my next update. Until then, good luck everyone and baby dust.