Thomas’ Birth Story


He’s almost 3 1/2 months now & debated if I wanted to write this but I’ve decided as I lay here breastfeeding that I’d like to share...

We tried for almost 9 month before we ended up pregnant... we both came into our relationship with boys so we hoped for a girl. We found out it was a boy & it broke my heart, then I cried because I felt guilty for being sad when I found out it was boy.

My due date was June 26th... so my baby shower was May 26th. I didn’t anticipate an early arrival as my first was 40+5 days.. I had my 36 week check up the 29th. They did stress test & said I was having some contractions. I didn’t think anything of it as I had them plenty with my first as well. So I went to the market afterwards. I was standing in the cereal isle & I felt very wet! So I went home & changed. I started to make dinner, I got wet AGAIN! Now I’m like ok not cool! I go to the bathroom & I scream for husband & tell him I think my water broke. His face turns pale & he says “Don’t say that! I’m not ready!!” Lmao!!! I’m like excuse me????

So then I go to wipe & put a bit of pressure & when I release I feel a small gush of water drop out. I call my doc IMMEDIATELY!! I tell him I think my water broke. He asks why, I tell him all of the above & he says “i don’t think so!” “Because if it was you’d have a consistent drip”. I’m like well this exact thing happened with my first & when I got to the hospital there was no more fluid. He then replies with “I think you want to convince yourself your water broke”. I’m like WTF?!!!! I’m not close to ready, why the hell would I want to be going into labor????!

So then he says well go to the hospital if you want to be sure.

So I take my time, I have dinner, call my aunt to drop off my kids & get ready. At this point I have contractions very frequent & they’re intensifying. We drive up to the hospital.. as we drive my STUPID husband tells a joke every time I have a contraction because he swears it’ll distract me. But instead I’m yelling at him to SHUT UP because I can’t laugh & go through a contraction at the same time. It HURTS TO FUCKEN MUCH!!

He doesn’t STOP!! But holds my hand. I squeeze so hard from the pain and he screams like a little girl EVERYTIME!

We get to the hospital (YAY!!) they admit me to L&D. She does a swab & says yes I have fluid releasing.

She tells my doc & he still wants an ultrasound to see how much fluid is left. So I’m wheeled down to US Dept to check. When I get back to L&D, she says I’m staying because I’ve lost too much fluid. I’m like:

She immediately offers an epidural, I say no! I’m only 3 cm so I want to wait. So she gives me a drip that’ll last for 2 hours which I took gladly because I wanted to sleep since it was almost midnight at this point....

It didn’t really do shit but make me feel super drugged & sleepy BUT I felt every fucken contraction!! But I was too drugged to have a reaction & I did manage to sleep. When it finally wore off completely I was in agony!! My husband keeps asking if I’m “ok”. I scream SHUT THE FUCK UP!! You see I’m in labor why do you think I’m ok??? So he FINALLY stops talking lol!

Nurse flies in asking if I’m ready for an epidural because I’m at 6cm. I say:

So they wheel in & prep me. I’m literally holding on to the nurse while they do the epidural because I’m shaking from the pain! He’s done in 5 min because he’s being rushed to be present for a twin birth... great for me!! She lays me down & checks me again. I’m 8CM! I call my BFF to get to the hospital! She gets there in 40 min & they check me AGAIN & I’m 10CM!!

Im wheeled off to the delivery room & since my husbands other son was born VIA c-section this is his first vag delivery & wants to see. The nurse tells me to push a bit so he can see the head. So I do & my husbands face!!!

Nurse says OK STOP! Dr isn’t here yet!!! So I lay & just wait while they set up. There’s a mirror on the ceiling so I can see EVERYTHING!

Dr walks in AND the first thing I say is “AND you said my water didn’t break!” He responds with “No, I said I couldn’t confirm that for you over the phone”

So he sits in front of me & says “ok here comes a contraction, I’ll tell you when to push.. PUSH!! And 3 pushes, less than 4 min later...

He was here! At 6:35am on May 30th!

5 lbs 12oz 18 inches long at exactly 36 weeks. Crying his lungs out!

He’s been an experience thus far!! At 6 days old we were hospitalized for jaundice. He had to get treatment.

And at 2 month old we were in the ER 2 days for a bacterial infection.

He did antibiotic treatment and responded well & quickly!

He’s cooing, laughing & growing sooo fast!!

He’s the little ribbon that connects our blended family & the joy of our lives. He’s such a good baby & I’m lucky he chose me!!

Thank you for reading if you made it this far!