Been a rough few months


We started off the year with my mum losing her job but things were slowly getting better after that unit we lost my great Grandad around two months ago and instead of gaining support I lost it. My mum became really closed off and didn’t comfort me at all. Not one time where she hugged me when I broke down, she just watched... Its not her fault i know that but it’s nice knowing that people are there for you. My Nan hasn’t really been the same since he passed and i know it will take time but i really miss our old relationship.

My parents have recently separated and although I knew it would happen Im still kinda upset over how different everything could’ve been. I don’t think i’m going to see my Dad anymore and i just feel really unwanted because of the reasoning.

On top of this. My mum had an operation a few years ago and now they have confirmed she has crohns. She has a lump on her neck as well that has grown over the past few weeks which Im getting concerned about (she’s gonna book an appointment about it.)

She is now searching for a job and is having no luck. I’m stressing over money because i have a lot of people’s birthdays coming up and idk how i’m gonna handle it financially. Or my bus money to get to school. which i really wanted to help mum with. I’m thinking of looking for a job but im really shy.

I’m also going into a stressful year at school as I have my GCSES in May-June ☹️

I finally feel better and then life throws something else at me. I just don’t know how to cope anymore...