Spotting or Implantation bleeding?

I spotted on the 27 (CD 19) Just enough to see it in the toilet paper & that was it. It was very light pink & nothing more. 2 days go by no spotting. Yesterday I cramped lightly for maybe 30 minutes. This morning (CD 22) all was okay until about 11 & I went to the bathroom & I'm spotting again. This time it's a little more than what it was on the 27, & very mild cramps too. But then that was it. No more spotting so far. I did have implantation bleeding with my first, but it was only 1 day. I'm technically not due for my period until the 7. Starting my period so early is not the norm for me. I don't know what's going on. I'd like to chalk it up to stress, but I'm not really stressed out. Thoughts? Anyone else experienced this? Thanks in advance!