Just a mindless vent: I feel like I'm a shitty girlfriend

I don't feel like I can ever do anything right for my boyfriend, and I can't make him laugh like other people can. Also my boyfriend hasn't said anything like that to me directly, it's literally just how i feel.

I feel like I'm more disappointing than what he expects, like I constantly let people like him down and I feel overly attached because I'm scared to let him go from what I've been through in the past. He always tells me that it's okay and I'm fine and that i don't do anything wrong at all but i don't feel like that's true.

I feel like I create unnecessary hassle. It's not our relationship that's suffering, it's more just me constantly having no self esteem or confidence to do anything. I've felt depressed for years. I haven't sought any professional help because I'm afraid to. I wish I could be better for him because he deserves everything and to feel happy. I just feel like i am too overly sensitive to everything and I get in the way too often, and there's a lot of things wrong with me that I don't want him to see but sometimes i can't help it. I've cried myself to sleep a lot recently because everything just seems like the total pits

Don't worry if you read all this it's just to vent