He’s Married


Hey guys, so I got a message on Facebook from my fiancé’s ex wife.

She came off weird, but polite. I didn’t want to promise her he would contact her, which is why I phrased my response the way I did. But I didn’t think I was rude by any means? But apparently she did think so because when my fiancé messaged her with our address she replied with “tell your bitch to lay off me” so he, of course, got really mad but he didn’t wanna fight so he just said “please don’t talk about her that way and after the divorce, don’t contact me again”

We both already thought the divorce when through, so we’re not quite sure why it didn’t. But then she proceeded to tell my fiancé that I was rude to her and she didn’t appreciate it.

Was my reply rude??? I showed my fiancé this and he said it wasn’t. And he was annoyed at his ex for talking shit about me.