Hubby appreciation post....

Samantha • Boy Mom, from Son up to Sun down 💚

I am almost 24 and my hubs turns 29 this month. We have been together 2 years but we've known each other for years prior. We have been ttc for over a year now and its been an emotional struggle. I haven't shared with many people that we are trying or the fact that its been a lot harder then expected. My biggest fear is that my aunt is going to judge me. Through all of this he has been 100% supportive of me and has put me in my place where needed. Like about feeling judged because we aren't exactly in the best financial standing... My hubs let me have it about how no one is ever 100% ready and how she has mo room to judge and all that. Hes just been so great with everything. With all the money spent on negative tests. All the tears. Everything. Hes just amazing 😍 hes also not to bad to look at 😏

Hes honestly my hero. He saved me from my first marriage. He helped me see what true love really is. I have never been so truly happy. Even the bad days with him are better then the best days with anyone else.

It is never a dull moment with him. He is literally always making me laugh or question his sanity. He has the most complex mind and such a genuine soul.

I cant wait to legally call him my Husband. 5.11.19 💋💜💙💚💑👰🤵