Positive induction story!

So I didn't think I would be writing this at all honestly I was petrified about my induction yesterday but it was perfect! So I came in at 6AM and about an hour later I am started on pitocin well they started off slow and worked their way up so about 1PM I decide to get the epidural before they break my water because I was 5cm I was getting uncomfortable and after your water breaks the contractions get a million times worse (I know this because I have 2 other children). So I got the epidural we let it kick in and about an hr later my midwife came in broke my water, then regular contractions were still coming etc... about 530PM I started shaking and feeling nauseous well my blood pressure had dropped due to the epidural and my nurse had to bring it back up. Well about an hr later it did come back up and I got zofran for the nausea I was having I felt better. My water kept leaking, and I was feeling pressure I kept getting checked about every 30 minutes about 745 at night I finally found out I was ready I was excited and scared all at the same time. This is my third baby and so far my labor was perfect I have fast pushing times but nothing prepared me for this it only took me 15 minutes to push her out! 2 pushes she was already crowning. A few more and my daughter was here! It was magical I felt better, she was perfect I couldn't believe how easy it was. My last pregnancy ended up in induction and well it wasn't so great at all but this one was the best labor and delivery I have had! Don't be scared to do it trust me. My babe is sleeping now so I plan on trying to rest, but I wanted to share my positive birth story!