Need some reassurance

Lauren • 👨‍👩‍👧

I’ve been bed sharing with my daughter since she was 2 months old (9 months now) and live with my parents while husbands on deployment.

They’re constantly criticizing me on co-sleeping, making comments like “she’s the monster I created” and putting their two cents in when it’s not asked for, saying I should let her cry, she’s spoiled, she’ll never learn to self soothe etc.

But my daughter has been a terrible sleeper since day one and has a hard time turning her mind off (literally the second she wakes up she’s up and crawling ready to go) so I still rock her to sleep and nurse her when she wakes.

I guess I’m just looking for reassurance from other co-sleeping mamas that what I’m doing is okay and that I’m not creating a “monster” 🙄🤦‍♀️