Post partum depression

I work at a gym so there are a lot of regulars that come in and I talk to them everyday. I just came back after 6 weeks off for maternity leave. Everyone keeps asking how I am doing and how’s the baby and I tell them, “everything is great,” when really I want to respond with, “honestly, everything is not great. My mom had Alzheimer’s and passed away the morning after my daughter was born, I’m not bonding with my baby, breastfeeding is hard and she’s never satisfied so I have to supplement, I feel like my MIL bonds better with her and has more time with her because I am here, and when I’m at my MIL’s house, I want to scream because I can’t experience all of this with my own mom.” 😞 I need to go see someone but would it honestly help? Would I feel better? Because talking to a stranger face to face about my problems seems a little awkward and uncomfortable