Over Production And Clogged Ducts..... Please Help!!

I'm having problems with engorgement in one breast.... my right one to be exact. I've been feeding my LO on the non-engorged left side to get it up to my right one but I'm thinking I'm just over producing in my right side. It's very painful to pump, have him feed, or even massage. My LO hasn't been eating as much since he's been sick and I'm pretty sure my ducts are clogging up as well. How do I slow down production and keep from getting clogged ducts?

When I was engorged in my right breast early this morning, I pumped out 5.5 oz and only 3.5 oz from my left.


I found out yesterday why my left breast is perkier, firmer, and producing "less". I became engorged in it yesterday morning and I found some lumps that I could not feel before. After my LO ate off that side, I still felt lumps. After further examination, I found out my entire left breast was full of lumps, deep inside. I spend from 1pm until late last night hand expressing, pumping, massaging, everything I could think of... even resorted to putting a breast shield on the end of the wet/shop vac for more suction power... I still had lumps when I went to bed.

My LO, which is going on 2 months old, will not take a bottle now so if I have to switch, I can't. I've had issues from the time I had him with my left breast but never knew it was clogged off like this. My lactation consultant just kept telling me to let him nurse when he wants and my supply will increase, warm compress on clogged area