Feeling Left Out..

Today ( and almost everyday) I feel really left out! Almost everyday I see a pregnant woman ( I work in a grocery store, so I see them alot ) and not only that my husband has 5 other siblings ( he's the baby ) and all of them have kids. His sister is pregnant with her first child right now and due in september. It breaks my heart that I can't give my husband a baby as easily as everyone else can. We pray so hard and so much for a baby, I still believe God will answer my prayers, but it just seems like its never going to happen. Also the way this world is today, I think to myself sometimes if im even going to make it to be a mother, cause you never know. But I really try not to think like that cause it's really not healthy. I am one of the many women who suffer from PCOS, and I have all the symptoms you can name, and i ABSOLUTLEY HATE IT!!!!!! Not only cause it makes it extremely difficult to get pregnant but it also plays a big roll in my servere depression. I just want to wake up one morning and not have shave like a caveman, look at my body and actually believe that I am an attractive and sexy woman, and most importantly have my beautiful bundle of joy. So again I say I feel left out, among all the women out there who have their wonderful babies and are enjoying the blessing of being a mother and motherhood it'self!!