

Hi ladies,

FTM here. My son, who is EBF, just turned 4 months old and goes to daycare. The past couple of weeks I had been sending 4 bottles of 3 oz and he was doing great. I had no problem pumping this amount for him. In the past week he was going through a growth spurt so I was sending an extra bottle so he was getting 15 oz total during the day while I was working. They just called and said he has gone through 4 of his 5 bottles for the day already before noon and I need to come nurse him. My body is not able to keep up with this demand so I guess my question is two fold.

1. Do you think they are overfeeding him during the day? He weighed 15lbs 1 oz at his 4 month checkup but this seems like he may be being overfed? Could I try rice cereal in the bottles to make him full longer?

2. Any tips on boosting my supply to keep up with this guy? I want to cry because I’ve worked so hard to breastfeed and don’t want to stop.

Thank you ladies for all of your insight!