Looking for Info - BBT

Tegan • 25, RPN, 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 June 27th, 2020 🌈♥️ January 14th, 2022 🌈 ♥️

Hi ladies!

A little back story, I’ve been on BC for 6 years, and my boyfriend and I were shocked when we found out we were pregnant at the end of July. We weren’t trying, but we were so so so excited. Sadly, August 7th I had a miscarriage. I’ve decided to stay off birth control to let my body do it’s own thing. Were not trying, but were not being 100% safe either, we’re just going to let nature run its course and if it happens it happens.

Anyways, I’m looking for all the information you guys can give me on charting BBT. I just purchased my ovulation thermometer, as I want to start tracking my cycles.