Don’t be so hard on yourself!

Long post/soapbox rant but the point is: Stop beating yourself up... yes, I’m talking to you.

As women, we can be so hard on ourselves. We all have our stories of adversity and struggle but don’t let it define you! You are enough! You are worthy of happiness.

I struggle with the thoughts of “what am I doing with my life?”, “will I be a good mom?” and I beat myself up because I’m not the best wife, employee, manager, sister, you name it... I sometimes wonder if I’m deserving of all the great things in my life...thoughts that stem from a rough childhood and mistakes I’ve made as an adult.

I was reflecting on my life story this morning, and I had a moment of clarity that made me appreciate where I’ve been and where I am and you’re damn right, I deserve to be happy!

Here’s my story in a nutshell:

I grew up in a ROUGH neighborhood (we’re talking rated #1 city for homicides several years in a row, teen pregnancy is more common than not, etc).

I was physically abused my stepfather since I was 4 years old. As a result, I moved out of the house when I was 15 and was homeless.

In my early 20’s, I met a man and fell in love, but he was a mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive drug addict and a cheater... I was in that relationship for 5 years.

I finally had enough when he put my head through a wall and I ran as far away as I could. I was broken, depressed and thought I could never trust another man.

I was wrong... I met a beautiful soul of a human being with more love to share than I’d ever known.

Now, at 30 years old, I get to live a life that I never imagined. After being raised in one of the most dangerous cities in the nation and being abused most my life, I BEAT THE ODDS!

Despite the statistics, I earned two degrees (and landed in a position where I am making $100k), I am a home owner, I’m married to the kindest man on the planet, and am TTC my first child.... and this is only the beginning!

Okay, I’ll step down from my soapbox but just know, YOU ARE ENOUGH, and you deserve all of the wonderful things life has to offer! Don’t ever doubt it!

“... believe in yourself, educate yourself, think for yourself. Live the best life you can, and never let your dreams die. Hold on to them, and they will hold on to you”