Ongoing period

I got an birth control implant (Nexplanon) in mid September of last year. For a while (about a month or two) I had my same pretty constant periods and then for at least three or four months I had no period at all. I visited my doctor and she said that was fine. Then in May I had two week long periods with about a day or two in between them. I didn’t get my period again until July and that was a normal period. Then starting at the start of August, I started my period and it really hasn’t stopped. It’s very heavy and I’m not sure what to do.

My questions are:

-Has anyone ever had this happen?

-Should I be concerned my implant isn’t working?

-Should I be concerned I’m pregnant?

-What does this mean?

-Is there any way to make this go away or make it better.

I don’t think I’m pregnant but I just want to cover all my bases. I honestly am going crazy I hate this so much. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!