You are almost there


We are 11 days into the tww after our second <a href="">IUI</a> cycle. With each try I feel "this is it" despite simple logic and knowledge of statistics and my fertility. When you are having to try so hard for something it's hard not to think about it and wonder what the future holds. I wonder what will our baby look like and I think about those little moments I have seen my friends experience with their children and hope to experience the same. But with each start of my period, the dreaded sign, I feel my dreams crumble. With every failed attempt my worries grow that what if I can't have a baby.

So I am waiting eagerly this cycle, resisting the urge to test and trying not to read into every possible sign from my body, googling "pregnancy vs PMS". I continue to keep up the positive exterior even to my husband as I dont want to appear negative. So I sit here on the couch and open a fortune cookie and this is the fortune I get.

"You are almost there".

How to interpret this I still dont fully know but regardless I find some comfort in this small paper, I find hope. I am reminded that I know I will one day be a mother, how and when may still be unknown but the end result will be the same. Somehow we WILL have a family full of love and happiness.

So to all the women out there whatever you are in this journey I share this fortune with you. You are almost there.