Ladies!! I am about to lose my kind. So

I took several tests today! And when I say several I mean several! The first two were bone dry. I waited until lunch break and got two more: when I first peed on it, it looked like this,

So I’m like holy shit theres no way 4 hours time made a difference. So I set it down and waited until the time frame was up and this is what it looked like..

So then I was like fuck it, its faint but clearly a line. So I said hey I work in a dr office let me take one of these tests, so I took this one..

Appears positive right? So I take my happy ass to the health department to get confirmation and their test was fucking NEGATIVE! Wtf? How! I am so angry. So I bought another set of tests. no line what so ever. A digital, says NO! Wtf? How is this even possible? I am so heartbroken.