Boyfriend is a drug addict

I don’t know when to say enough is enough and just leave.

I don’t know where I would go, he makes more money than me, and pays the rent, as per his offering. I work full time too, I just make much less in wages as I’ve been in school the last year.

We’ve been together for 3 years. He was sober when we met, and in the last year has fallen off. I’m not sure if I should stay and see if he can get back on track. And it’s not even like full blown getting high on pain pills every single day (yet) but here and there on the weekends. So I’m like, should I be angry? Will that remind him of when he was a teenager/young adult and I’ll sound like his mother and that’ll just trigger more bad patterns??

I’ve been gentle and kind and asked for honesty and I’ll give support, but sometimes I just want to scream!!!! I get so mad, he can’t ever own up to it until I get really upset and have to pretty much force the truth out of him.

I’m not sure if I can stick around and wait for him to decide he wants to be sober.

I’m sick of every time “being the last time”.

I’ve been applying for jobs that pay hire wages for “just in case” he falls really to the bottom and can’t go to work, or pay bills, or whatever. Obviously, I know at that point what I would need to do. But like, you guys. I’m tired of the same conversation and I’m tired of trying to be nice about it when I hate it so much.

However, on the flip side, he and I get along sooooo well on the weekdays when he’s sober. We’re best friends. Same sense of humor, always laughing and I don’t know if I wanna give up on that yet.

Thanks for letting me vent. Maybe share if you have experience in this or been through something like this?