I told him to stop

* please read* My cousin is 13 and I’m 12 almost 13. He came for the summer but has very mild autism he loves me very much in which I hope a cousin way. But this summer I got my period so obvi I changed a little bit. He said I got hit he stared at my boobs I heard him moaning at night... he sleeps in the room next to me. One night we were in the basement and were playing with a tennis ball. He tackled me and pinned me to the ground hugging me and not letting me go. I told him to stop but he wouldn’t . He started kissing my cheek I grasped a foam baseball bat but then my dad walked in so I went to my room. Idk what to think of this . I know he had autism but it’s very mild and he’s not stupid . What do u guys think? Also sorry for putting it in this group I didn’t know where to put it.