We made a bet ...😳🙄

Kali • College gal 👩🏻‍🎓 ! In love 😍👫 My adorable dog’s name is Miyah !

Hey guys! I have a question, but a little back story. My boyfriend doesn’t like romance! He’s one of those who loves a good story. Like marvels, it has a good story line and keeps you entertained unlike romance. We made a bet; if I can find him a good romance movie that isn’t going to try to be too sappy he’ll give it a try, but if he doesn’t like it I can’t recommend anymore romance 😂. It’s kind of a lose for me, but I just need something that he’s going to hooked with a good story to it. Please help me with suggestions!! Please! I was thinking The Notebook? Haha maybe not.