Help me

Help me...

So i did my first round of clomid fertile window of 26-31 we did it 24 and 27. 27th i had globs of ewcm thats the only day i had ewcm. I had severe cramps for 3 hours the 30th. Then yesterday i started to feel sick for some reason ive even had lack of appetite. Well i was just sitting talking to my sister in law and all of a sudden i got horrible pain in my nipples like shooting pains which is beyond weird ive NEVER had that before. Now, its like 10 hours later since this started, my breast is huge! Like giant! And i cant even touch it cause it hurts to even run my fingers across it. My bra is like tight and leaving red marks when it never has before. Im so freaking confused cause i took a test this morning and figured since it was negative that i most likely not pregnant.