Birth story!!!


Lots of details left out! And long story!!!!

I was asked to be the birthing support person, and being her best friend since we were children how could I pass on such a beautiful and memorable moment 💙 so of course I said yes!!!

So when the time came that she was emitted to the hospital I was at work so I had someone come to replace me so I could be by her side.

Wednesday sept 5th I arrived at the hospital 4:00pm and as requested brought some good food :) at this point she was 4cm dilated

Thursday sept 6th 5:00am while her contractions got stronger and closer together she opted to try the gas, she told me at no point in time to let her have the epidural, so she tried the gas, and the nurse gave her a birthing ball to try and get a bit more comfortable where as the bed made them worse, however that did not work, I help her Hand through the contractions and tried talking her through them.... that just mad her mad and yelling at me to shut up 🤐

She asked me to get her cranberry juice and as I went to give it to her she got the strongest and longest contraction yet which had her yelling at me and threw the cranberry juice away! Started apologizing right after the contractions stopped .

A little while after she opted to get the epidural which originally her plan was not to take, but with all the pain and not being able to sleep and demanding it I caved and said if she truly felt she needed it and she won’t regret it later it’s her choice as everyone pain tolerance is different, unfortunately she had to wait for the dr to get out of the or who was performing a c-section at that time. At this point she was 5cm dilated.

At 9am she was fully dilated and was ready to bring her baby into the world. I was so scared I wouldn’t know what to do or how to help her but during the birth everything was so calm and controlled I just knew what to do and why to say to help her. I took many photos for her and at 956am her beautiful healthy baby boy arrived!!!!

I just have to say growing up watching birthing shows on tv is NOTHiNG like what I witnessed, the birth was so beautiful 😍 the whole process is beautiful even the gross parts! I just cannot get over how proud and happy I am for my beautiful friend I love her so much and can’t wait to see what the future holds as a family with her amazing and supportive husband!

When the baby was born not only was she crying but I too was bawling my face off! 😭😭😭

Ps. Her husband was also there just left out so much!