Falling in love with my best friend


Just a sad/happy love story for y’all tonight! So I was secretly in love with my best friend John for months, he would stay the night at my house all the time we went every where together had the same views and beliefs it was just awesome but apparently when we became friends I made a PSA (public service announcement) to our friends that he was friend zoned and everyone needed to stop talking crap about how ‘he’s gotta be sleeping with her’ and everything else in the world because he had never even kissed and I wasn’t going to let him get that far because he was my best friend. So they could just shove it. I forget about this but don’t doubt it at all lol. So he never tried pulling a move or anything on me which was great for him being friend zoned he was dang good at it lol but the day I was going to tell him I was in love with him, and not the guy I was with at the moment, I got in a really bad car wreck. Spent a week in the hospital in a medically induced coma, everybody thought I was gunna die, and he freaked out, lost his mind, got really really really thrown off on drugs because he couldn’t handle the thought of me dying, his best friend, that he was secretly in love with as well, and he was just never going to get to tell her now! Ends up getting into some bad trouble, he doesn’t even remember, GETS THROWN IN PRISON BEFORE I EVEN HAD A CHANCE TO WAKE UP A WEEK LATER OUT OF MY MED INDUCED COMA!!!! So I start to write him and a couple letters in I finally confess my love for him and hate for him going stupid about me and leaving me broken and alone just because he couldn’t find hope. So he confessed his love for me too and told me the exact moment wen he knew he was in love with me and is all ‘I respected the shit out of that friend zone so don’t ever tell me I ain’t no gentleman’ 😂😂😂😂 but one day a couple months before I was freaking out and crying about something and I had asked him to hold my hand just for comfort and he did, and that was the moment he fell in love with me he says! 😭😭😭 it has now been one year since, and I still write every week, we’ve got 2 more years to go till he gets released! Any good long distance advice, or jail bird boyfriend advice, or positive feedback to help me keep holding on for my best friend! We really really want to try to be together when he gets out, mind you we’ve never even kissed before! All input, questions, comments, concerns welcome! ❣️