Feeling guilty

I’m thinking on how to tell my husband that all this time going to doctor and wasting our money and waiting to be blessed with a baby. Is long over due for me. I decided I don’t want kids no more. I’m scared to have this conversation with him since, we have been wanting this for 8 years. I know many of you have waited longer but I feel like it’s not in gods plan for me to have a child so I don’t want one no more. I cried so much for one that I no longer want one. I feel guilty for feeling this way, but now when they asked why I have no children I excitingly say, I don’t want kids. I use to hate to be asked since I didn’t want to say we were still trying. I’ve felt like this for quit some time now, and I feel I’m learning to be ok about it. We where told we needed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. Thanks for reading, English is not my first language so sorry for the grammar! Just needed to vent, hope I’m not the only one that feels this way :)