

Sorry it's long..

I'm currently in a ldr that has been going on for about 1.5 now probably another year. I get so sad and upset when I'm not with my partner. I often feel like I miss him more than he misses me, he's been working really hard at uni getting a engineering degree. I know it's a lot of work, I've mentioned I feel like I seem to miss him more than he misses me. He just reassures me he does miss me and that he's just more independent. I understand he's so busy and with a break from my school I find myself with a lot of free time. (Just mope around, if I'm not with friends.)

Even when I have me time I always get rushes of emotion where I'm just sad. A lot of family stuff has happened as well, health related things, that make things even more depressing. In really trying to distract myself with things,hobbies and friends. Im sorry it's long but I was curious about opinions. If anyone has been in the same boat as me.