Breastfeeding Vent Session

I’m a month into breastfeeding and it doesn’t seem to be getting any easier. I’ve been both breastfeeding and pumping and due to complications (son’s acid reflux, clogged ducts, and a strong let down), it just seems impossible to continue...

My nipples are cracked, blistered, and broken. I’m exhausted, emotional, and frustrated. Every feeding is a physical and emotional battle that I always seem to lose. Everyone keeps saying it’ll get easier...but when?

Due to his acid reflux we have been needing to do more frequent smaller feedings. I’ve also been told to keep my son upright for 30 mins after each feeding. So, I feel like I’m always attached to the pump or to my son. The acid reflux also results in fussiness, crying, and screaming during or after every feeding. I’m not 100% opposed to formula, but I know that breastmilk is the best option for babies with acid reflux since it is digested so much quicker than formula.

Clogged ducts seem to be a reoccurring issue. Very painful and frustrating. When I’m not feeding him, I’m massaging or heating/cooling my breasts to prep for the next feeding.

The only nursing hold that seems to work for us is football hold, but due to my strong let down, he chokes a lot. Getting a good latch has always been a struggle...sometimes it feels like he literally is chewing on my nipple.

I’m at a loss of what to do. I’ve seen a lactation consultant several times, but their suggestions often don’t work to address all of our varying complicated issues. All I know is that I am unhappy, but I still want to provide the best for my son. Feeling so defeated.