Emotional Struggle

 I've been feeling like I just need to get this off my mind... My husband and I lost our baby when I was 8 weeks back in March. We went in for our first u/s and they couldn't find a heartbeat. Immediately I was a mess, there was so many questions as to why this was happening. How could it have happened. A week later I had my D&C and tried my best to keep from crying every night. The only thing I have left to remind me is the only u/s picture the doctor took. I stare at it from time to time to remind me to stay strong. 
 After TTC for a few months I recently found out I'm pregnant again! I'm 5W 6D but not a day goes by that I have an emotional battle with whether or not I won't lose this baby. Until I know we are the clear, this constant thought in the back of my mind to not get "too excited" is undeniable. It doesn't help that my husband is more financially stressed this time around which doesn't make me feel any better. 
I'm trying to find things to keep my mind off of it and stress down but I just don't think there is anything else I can do besides pray that my little peanut grows to be strong and healthy. 
I still miss my little blueberry...