Middle of the night

MountainMist • Mountain life!

First, excuse my it’s-dark-screw-flash face.

3:45 am, and obviously my bladder is being used as a trampoline so I have to pee. My ever so loving dog is what I wake up to. All over me. So much love.

Me: -poking- “Mae, get up.”

Mae: -grunts-

Me: “Mae, move. I need to pee.”

Mae: -sighs and cuddles with more intensity-

Me: “Mae, damn it, you know I’m allergic to you” -sneezes forcefully twice in a row with no break in between, getting pee EVERYWHERE-

Also, yes, lol, I did take the picture before I sneezed. 😂 Guess that’s what I deserve for not moving her sooner.