Am I Preggos or just stressed?


so i have a lot on my plate.. bills galore, friends in a coma, my dads deayh anniversary is in 30 days etc. and i started noticing shit. i know that stress can make preggo symptoms but i wanna make sure

missed my period but had one day of spotting with a brownish tint to it.

very sensitive nipples.

nauseous a lot. almost puke 5+ today.

appetite seems to go down, with occassional urges to eat certain foods.

starting to get upset over shit that normally wouldn't bother me.

terrible lower back pain.

exhausted ALL THE TIME.

nipples are extremely sensitive and tend to hurt, plus boobs have felt bigger for a while now.

when i eat, i feel like i cant stop.

more out of breath then usual.

not interested in drinking or cigs as i usually am.

also ive been sneezing a lot, bc im sure its from my perfume.

i wake up with my mouth just completely dry, but spend most of the day with too much saliva, i started drooling in my sleep,to the point i even notice.

my tummy hurts more then usual, but not painfully.

ive started smelling my boyfriend, and cant keep myself from stopping and walking away cuz it smells too good even though he hasnt put on cologne.

am i crazy??? should i risk telling my boyfriend?

and he already has three kids, and isnt ready for more.

plus, i have pcos and ive had unprotected sex with all my boyfriends, and never once got pregnant.

i am confused 😕