Confused and Frustrated!


So I'm ready to have a meltdown!! I just want to cry and curl up in a ball and stay in bed!! I took letrozal for 5 days from the 2st of August through 6th and then I took folistom from the 6th to the 22nd of August with doctors orders. On the 22nd they told me to take the trigger shot ovidrel because I had to folicals that were ready to go! BD for 3 days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and did it every other day after that. Then they told me to wait to weeks and take a test if my period does not show so I waited and I was to come on yesterday and nothing and this morning I woke up and took a test and it was a BFN. We did everything right and I was having some symptoms and now this!! I thought this was it and to wake up and it's negative I'm so disappointed and feel like it's just not going to happen!! That and I have a baby shower to go to and I so trying to be supportive and go but I just don't want to! I don't know what to do!! Has this happened to anyone and it turned out they were or am i just waiting on AF to show? Sorry for the rant but I wanted to tell someone!!