In hospital

Jennifer • .momx4

Currently 34+7 weeks pregnant

And in L&D

I cam in last night because i was having period like cramps on & off all day with tightening on belly, yesterday, i was debating on coming in because wasnt sure if they were normal pregnancy pains or something else since they were not super painful just really uncomfortable and also they werent coming in a pattern, but as i was getting ready for bed i felt a few painful ones and decided to just come in.

Turns out i was having contractions 6mins apart. So i got admitted to hospital and started on IV with mag suffate antibiotics and some other shot that goes on your buttcheek that hurts like a ******

I have not dialated yet either but still having light cramping (contractions) now its kind of just a waiting game.🤯😞

Anyone else going through same or have been, if so how hows your situation going?