
So I had a miscarriage in dec at 10 weeks. Really hurt me and my boyfriend. Then March we had another at 6 weeks. During this time I had dreams about being pregnant but also that I would miscarriage. Fast forward to the last week. We wanted to take time to heal emotionally and physically. We took 6 months off. I have been waiting to try again since last month but my boyfriend hasn’t gotten over me almost dying. ( passing out and unresponsive, then two blood transfusions) this month he decided he was ready to try. Which I was excited about and it also lined up to my ovulation week. Well last night I had two dreams. One of a beautiful baby boy and another of him and I getting married. I woke up thinking more positively about this being our month!

Also we have a long standing joke about how I have to ask him to marry me. Looks like I might be getting the nerve to actually ask lol.