TTC after miscarriage

Heya! I have been sorta trying to conceive with my husband for the past 8 months and last week i found out i was pregnant! It was such amazing news and i was absolutely over the moon. Literally 4 days later, i woke up and realised that i am bleeding and it was only 3 days after my period was due. I was devastated to say the least...i have always wanted a baby but i guess actually being pregnant made me realise exactly how much I really want this.

Exactly one week after i found out that i was pregnant, my best friend found out she was expecting. It has been such a crazy week to be honest and I don’t even know how to cope with all of the emotions. Finding out i am having a baby, then miscarrying and two days after, my best friend tells me she is expecting has just really messed with my head in many different ways. I am so happy for her but at the same time it has made me feel really down because of what happened only a few days ago. Its not the fact that she’s pregnant, its the fact that i am not...

I bought ovulation strips from amazon and I really want to try this month even though i know its recommended to wait at least one or two cycles..i just really want to be a mom and want to do everything i can to try and make this happen. I am supposed to be ovulating next weekend if my cycle has gone back to normal after my chemical pregnancy.

I guess i am just looking for some support and maybe some advice ladies.

Anything is appreciated in this time when i feel so lost and sad.

Thank you so much