Whats wrong with me?

The summer of my sophmore year of college i met a guy through my best friend. The first day that I met him there was a get together at my best friends house. It was impromptu and people just showed up. We watched a movie in her living room. I laid down on the couch and took a nap when I woke up he was laying next to me holding me which I thought was really weird because I had just met this guy. Everybody at the took pics of us while we were sleep saying we would make a cute couple but I was just weirded out and I went home after. The next day he came back to my friend's house and saw me at my house (my mom lived two houses from my best friend house). He started visiting my house everyday. He kept asking me to be his girlfriend. I told him I had a boyfriend. He found out who my boyfriend was through my little brother and contacted my boyfriend on Facebook and asked him about our relationship and was basically trying to get my boyfriend to break up with me he sent the pictures of us sleeping to my boyfriend which I didn't find out until later. My boyfriend stopped talking to me and I didn't know that was the reason why. U got really depressed and started trying to stay to myself. The guy just kept coming around trying to change me suggesting that I wear certain clothes get tattoos and let him use my car because we were friend but I kept saying no. I tried to distance myself from him but he was telling everyone we were in a relationship. One day I couldn't take him anymore and cussed him out. He apologized and said he would stop everything and he did. We started hanging out.

One night my friend my brother, him, and were in my car listening to music and talking. My brother and friend were in the front seats we were in the back. It got really late. My brother and friend went into the house we stayed in the car. Soon after he started trying to kiss me and I kept telling him no. He pinned me down removed my skirt and started raping me he didn't use a condom. I was trying to scream and cry. I had my first orgasm. He told me to stop acting cause it was obvious I was enjoying it because I orgasmed. He was saying things like I'm gonna get u pregnant, you're gonna have my baby. I started trying to punch him in the face and bite him anything to get away. It didn't help it just made it worse. He came inside of me. After he was done he said he can't wait to see what the baby looks like. I got out my car and went in the house and acted like nothing happened. I didn't tell anyone. He came over the next day and was telling everyone he was gonna break up with me as if we were ever together. I asked him to leave he said okay but when I leave I'm not coming back and how much I was gonna miss him. He didn't come back to my house at all for the rest of the summer.

On my brothers birthday this year he asked my brother on his Facebook about me. My brother gave him my information and he contacted me. I have since had a child with my husband he messaged me saying. "Our daughter looks just like me." I'm 26 now my daughter is 5. He apologized for "breaking up with me" I immediately blocked him. Since then when I'm alone I just get a weird feeling. Saying my husband's name seems to help. I wish I would have went to the police. I wish I would have done so many things different back then. I talked to my husband about it but I think I need counseling. Just something that will help or tell me when I will stop feeling the way I feel now. I think it may be anxiety but idk I just need someone to talk to.