Fellow ADHD people!! How tf do you deal with college????

I'm not at all talking about getting accommodations or small group testing or what not because I already have that. I'm talking about EVERYTHING ELSE! The staying focused, taking notes properly, study properly...EVERY FREAKING THING!!!

This is my second semester at my community college (I don't live on campus) and I have the brains and the desire to get all A's but with the ADHD shit I deal with it's so freaking difficult. It's so hard staying focused during lectures, I even sit in the front. I'm lucky if I can focus on taking the right notes but it doesn't mean I am understanding what tf my professors are saying because I'm to busy trying to focus on the notes, then the lecture, back and forth etc. A paper that takes everyone else maybe 2-3 hours...takes me 5-8🙃.

I don't know anyone with ADHD (in person at least)...well there are the people that claim they have it because they get energetic every now and they and occasionally have trouble focusing but...I don't have any nice things to say about people like that who claim they have it bc of that. At some point I'm going to have to switch my pills, but for the meantime I need tips, advice. I have no idea WTF I'm doing and their is no way I can go into my career with all of these sciences and math classes.

...rant over😅