stealthing my virginity


so last night, i went on my first date with a guy, i’m 17 so this should probably be under teen relationships but hear me out. i went on my first date last night, everything went superb, we had ihop and saw that new movie the nun.

after ihop we went and sat in my car and talked for a little bit, things eventually lead into us making out and that escalated to him fingering me, which ultimately lead to sex, in my car, yep.

not very picture perfect but i didn’t mind because i was honestly having a really good time and that’s what was most important to me.

now i said that this did all lead to sex so let me tell you how this went down. here’s kinda the dialogue run down.

him- “let me put it in baby”

me- “were not not doing this unless you have protection”

him- “please baby, i’ll pull out”

me- “i told you we’re not doing this if you don’t have protection”

him- “okay let’s stop by CVS real quick”

so we drove over there and got a pack of condoms because i asked that he use them.

long story short he got them, came back and put one on and we had sex. it was honestly super good for the first time and i was like super into it. usually when you don’t know these things you are..

when we finished we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways home and not but 20 minutes after i get home he calls me to talk and tells me that i need to take a plan b tomorrow because the condom “slipped off”. i don’t even know if he was clean. i asked him and he said yes but i can’t even trust him to keep a condom on so how can i even trust his word.

you don’t know how fucking upset i was.

there’s no real way i can even describe my anger, fear, sadness and literally every other emotion i was feeling at that moment.

my mom doesn’t know, and i’d prefer if i kept it that way. about 5 people know, all my most trusted best friends, all of which offered to pay for the plan b.

since last night, things have been really emotional and i just don’t know how i’m going to ever feel comfortable with a guy and my body ever again. i feel like something so ‘sacred’ almost was taken away from me.

i should’ve thought twice about things when he tried to persist but i guess i was just so in the moment. when i told my two guy best friends, they one was tearing up and the other one was already crying. i was bawling to them.

i’m sorry this is so long but i just felt the need to tell people and warn them about these types of things. always stay vigilant and be away of who you’re with.

i hope this never again happens to anyone with their 1st time or even their 21st time. 🖤