How do you feel about the “ladies man” type outfits for boys? (More in description)

I’m talking about the onesies and bibs and stuff that say things like “ladies man” “I ❤️ ladies” “pick me up, I love older chicks” and stuff like that.

I find it disgusting. No reason to put a child into any sort of romantic situation, I find it to basically sexualize children in a way. To put it in to perspective -and I dislike that I even have to do that- imagine dressing your baby daughter in an outfit that said “pick me up, I love older men” .. kinda creepy, right? It should be as creepy to dress your son in the reverse.

Obviously to each their own though, no hate from this poll if you dress your son in these. I was just curious as I personally don’t like them. Sorry in advance if any feelings were hurt.. but keep the negative comments away. Thanks!

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