Lost my baby on my wedding anniversary


My husband and I found out we were miscarrying... on our first year anniversary (last week). it's been heart wrenching and painful. The healing process has been hard. Both physically and mentally. I have never felt so hopeless, but my husband is by my side helping me get through this.

we've talked of trying again, but we are waiting until we get there- when we are both mentally/emotionally able and I'm physically able ( when the doctor gives the okay)

Doctor told us it's unlikely we have another miscarriage. I'm worried because we had a false positive/chemical pregnancy (doctor wasn't sure which) 6 months ago, and it took us forever ( it felt that way) to get pregnant... and here we are.

I'm posting here because I'm hoping I can get a little twinkle from the future since most of you have had/are carrying your 🌈