Gas trouble...same time every morning


Hi all,

Looking to see if anyone has any suggestions. My LO (7 weeks) wakes up about 430a everyday with gas pains. Typically, it has only been an hour since I’ve last fed him and he is still sleepy but spends a lot of time grunting and pulling his feet up. Ultimately, he gets worked up enough to be crying. If I pick him up and pull him into bed and hold/rock him he is able to sleep a while longer. I have tried gas drops and gripe water and they have helped but I don’t want to have to fully wake him up to give those in the middle of the night every day. Does anyone have anything else they have used or anything they have done differently? I’ve heard a little about probiotics and I’m interested to know peoples thoughts/success with those.

Any insight is appreciated. Just looking to make my little guy more comfortable and give us all a little more sleep
